
Hugh Williams

Dearest Hugh,

It has taken me a while to write in this book as I am lost for words and deeply saddened by your sudden passing. You have been part of my life for 20 years, from when I started as a student nurse right through my whole carer. We have shared many inside jokes , memories of service users and the development of the service throughout the years. We have spent the past week sharing our memories of you which has helped us to manage this sudden change. I have fond memories of you calling me “sister” (as in ward sister) for approx 6 years , never actually calling me Kristy which reflected your old school style of the Doctors/Nurses relationship. I miss hearing you sing in the office (only one line at a time) and allowing me to tidy all of your belongings and cleaning your desk on a daily basis. I will even admit that I miss hearing your daily struggle with the dragon software and the office is now a very quiet place. You have “professionallly raised” Simon and I and for this we are eternally grateful. 


We will keep the memory of you strong here in the service and will continue to sing the songs you loved so very much. 


My eternal gratitude 



Kristy Tanner

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