
Christine Reid

I was fortunate to work with Chris, initially at Wake Green Centre and then later at both Link Centre and Kings Centre which were all part of the Behaviour Support Service, (BSS), which catered for disaffected boys and girls aged 11-16. Chris had originally worked with the Pregnant Schoolgirls Service but when that joined up with the Suspended Pupils Service she stayed and became an integral part of the BSS. She was an extremely skilled teacher who always wanted children to achieve to their maximum potential and she did everything she could to support them to that goal. She set high standards, for both pupils and colleagues, not only in work but in behaviour and how to conduct yourself, expecting others to match her own high standards.                                                       

Personally, I have a lot to thank Chris for, she was always willing to listen or talk things through, both when we were teaching together or later when I had become her line manager, but most importantly for me as a ‘PE teacher who had risen through the ranks’ she was the best ‘proof reader’ I could have ever had and she inspired me to much greater levels of English than I thought I was capable of. Kind, thoughtful, diligent and elegant. A truly appreciated colleague.

The picture shows staff at Wake Green Centre in the garden, and yes, we were lucky.


Keith Wiseman

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