
Anne Fitzgerald

I met Anne at a poignant time in my life and career, when I was braving a shift in roles, after being at home for over a year with my new baby.  In October 2020 I started in the Family finding team in ALE, I sat next to Anne and feel so lucky to have been eased back into work, in the warm and nurturing presence of beautiful Anne.  It seems that the love and pride she had for her family, were never far from her thoughts.

Thanks to Anne, I was able to learn the ropes, she was always available to answer my questions and offer her practice wisdom to whatever situation I was facing.  I would often offer to make her a cup of cofee to express my gratitude for her time and attention.  Due to Anne’s high standards of practice and strong work ethic, she was always running at 100 miles an hour and I would look on in admiration.

I remember Anne’s boundless energy, quick wit, feisty determination and enormous passion for life.  Anne’s kindness, bravery, grit and generosity in spirit, made her such a fantastic role model for all who knew her.  I feel thankful and inspired by the quality of the time I spent in Anne’s gorgeous company.  I miss her dearly and feel so sad for her precious family and for the world, that she left us far too soon.


Amanda Milbank

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